Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Preannouncement: Carbon Offset Tax Scheme Version 2 -

I hereby pre-announce the next major refinement to the global carbon tax scheme. Whereas there is no formal title for the current scheme, and indeed the informal title varies from one country to another.

The new global scheme will simply be known simply as the Carbon Offset Tax Scheme Version 2.

This name, determined after several months of international conferences held in several continents at immense expense to all but the attendees, was carefully and deliberately chosen because it gives the settling impression of being a small refinement of the current schemes, whereby essentially various institutions are taxed on the carbon they produce mainly as CO2. The new version though takes the next logical step at targeting the source and most easily measurable cause of carbon production output. The new version takes the lead of Quality Programs, which focus on the process that produces the output. In step with world's Best Practices in Quality Management theory: to improve the quality of output, improve the quality of the process that produce the output.

Moreover a parallel study, at a cost totalling more than the annual GDP of the 45 poorest nations, by a large number of the most honoured scientists in the developed world, has been conducted. This study was tasked with refining the components of institutions (ie both corporate and public-sector organisations) that can be accountable and therefore directly charged for carbon production. Their major achievement was to deduce that the single factor common to all studied institutions was that these institutions are essentially comprised of individual human beings, and moreover that these beings are essentially the entities that are responsible for controlling and operating all identifiable processes withing that institution.

On the basis of these 2 studies, a series of international meetings of the highest order, attended by statesmen and senior diplomats supported by several squadrons of consultant specialists in concerted workshop sessions, have resulted in the provisional formulation of the interim draft proposal for the Carbon Offset Tax Scheme Version 2 scheme. This scheme focusses directly on :

* individuals, and
* any automated processes that each individual directly engages in or controls, plus
* the actual physical work that the individual personally attempts.

Version 2 can be thus seen as a major refinement of its predecessors. The devil is, as always, in the detail, in that physical work attempted is measured by an individual's rate of physical respiration, ie CO2 produced, in terms of rate of breathing and heartrate. This refinement has far-reaching consequences. The primary consequence is expected to be the establishment of a market for respiratory constraint whereby individuals will be encouraged to trade on their individual respiratory savings attained by any activities or lack thereof, all being directly invoiceable or traded on a market established as a consequence. Tradeable non-activity examples include:

* The 'Fitness Option': achieving sustained optimal respiratory efficiency in personal physical fitness with the minimum of exhursion input to attain the level, itself seemlingly a paradox or catch-22 for many people, and one that implies optimum genetics to achieve,
* The 'Genetic Choice Option': sustained voluntary reduction of potential respiration of any potential offspring by conceiving children with approved partners as per the preceding,
* The 'Safe-sex Option': complete elimination of respiration of any potential offspring by sustained practicing effective birth control,
* The 'Do-nothing Option': sustained reduction of respiratory output by oneself, eg stop moving as much as possible.
* The 'Step-off Option': complete elimination of respiratory output by oneself (Note: this option is not however invoiceable by yourself nor by your estate.)

Details of the establishment of an authority or commission to oversea the Carbon Offset Tax Scheme Version 2 will follow. Of immediate note though:

The Genetic Choice Option will imply the additional use of an international identification scheme to include a personal genetic blueprint. Current national identity schemes will be merged internationally, and incorporate DNA profiling techniques. Also the internet IPv6 protocol will be merged into this, perhaps along with VOIP teleconferencing via robot drone aircraft and current CCTV cameras in some countries, to a substantial monitoring section within the commission. These operators would be tasked with confirming the identity of individuals at locations in realtime as a means of verifying the Genetic Choice Option. This extension might be further investigated in the near future as the 'Propagation Audit' or 'Dogging' Option.

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