Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Death of the Letter?

I read this short interesting article :
The Death of the Letter?
August 26th, 2008
by David Lane

and added a comment as per below, repeated here.

Your homework, after you read this: do a search on 'deforestation' at Google Images. Go on, its not hard, it will not take any time, and you can just take a quick look at the pictures.

"Mailbox = paper = chop trees = end of human race"

The sooner people start looking at the big picture the better.

Its pathetic really. Everyone ohs and ahs and tut tuts about the environment's problems, and then promptly forgets it and starts prattling on about mailboxes and what a problem it is that they are disappearing. Wake up people. Try to connect a few dots: its not hard. Then tell whoever that you do not deal in paper. Don't read them. Don't mail them. Don't pay with them. If you do you are yet one more agent of the planet's destruction. You are part of the problem, not the solution. Outside of the dunny, I see little reason to have ANY paper in your house, or your business, unless its a legal document that requires a signature, and even that is debatable. Of course the old dinosaurs in corporate institutions will choke on their soup at this thought, but then again, we do all know where dinosaurs end up anyway... same place the entire human race will be within 150 years if we keep thinking like this.

You choose: the death of the letter or the death of the human race.

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