Thursday, April 9, 2009

Telstra functional separation costly | Australian IT

Telstra functional separation costly | Australian IT is yet more idiotic comment from an idiotic media source that cannot report beyond the view of its entrenched interests at the big fat lazy self-serving corporate end of town. In this case they fail to take into account the huge ongoing cost of the Telstra setup as it is. Fixing the currently deeply flawed Telstra setup WILL cost money. The government should hurry up and bite the bullet, do it and get over it, so Australia can move forward. Instead they still seem to be either in denial of the obvious or just too weak to do anything about it.

1 comment:

David Tangye said...

Do I speak too soon? Is the Rudd government's new $42billion fibre to the home network the sort of bold strategy that is required? Will it break Telstra's monopoly on the national communications backbone? We can but hope.